by Danya Kukafka
Published August 1 2017 (today) by Simon & Schuster
Finished August 1 2017
2.5⭐, rounded up. I was given an advanced copy of this book by the publisher through NetGalley.
The girl in the title is dead, and I am a bit creeped out now by that eye (her eye?) looking at me from the cover.
A high school girl, Lucinda, has been found murdered, a layer of snow covering her body. The background story and the reveal are told slowly through three perspectives: Cameron, an odd boy who essentially was Lucinda's stalker; Jade, a girl who seemingly hated Lucinda but envied her life; and Russ, a policeman with a dead end job and marriage. Like I said, the story moved very slowly; and I did not care about or identify with any of the characters. We don't get to know the dead girl well enough to feel much sympathy for her.
I think this was a good first effort that got lost in the quagmire of how to keep the reader interested in a story that lacked substance. There were some nice word choices, and I saw the potential for better books in this author's future.