Seven Days of Us ππππ 3.5 stars rounded up
by Francesca Hornak
Published October 17 2017 by Berkley Books
Overall, this is a really good character driven debut. A family is in quarantine the entire week of Christmas because their doctor daughter Olivia was exposed to the deadly Haag virus while on a mission in Africa. There's another sister, Phoebe, who is preoccupied being engaged to George, who shows up at the house during the week and is thus forced into the quarantine as well.
Everyone except Phoebe has a secret or two under wraps, and all are very intriguing. Well, even Phoebe is hiding something but she hasn't yet realized it. I think the fact that we know these secrets and are wondering anxiously what will happen in the end makes this a 4 star book. The characters are interesting enough, except I would have slapped Phoebe and George multiple times if I could have, and if I was the slapping sort. Emma, the mom, got on my nerves a bit because I've been in her situation and handled it a little differently, but she was a good person. Olivia and Jesse the long lost bastard son were great. Dad was a bit boring with his lack of awareness or caring (he is still evolving in midlife but not sure you'd call it a midlife crisis). The characters were a good mixture of annoying and heartwarming, with about a 3 on my likeability scale. So a 3.5.